I'm not actually convinced personally that wood is the best material for making a bicycle frame. However, who cares ? The results in this case are very beautiful indeed and that's certainly a good enough reason for this bike to exist.
There's another video on youtube showing Jan racing and even swimming with his bike. The epoxy seals the wood pretty well, I should think, but I'm not so sure the metal bearings like it.
Have you seen the bikes made in Portland, OR by Renovo?
They have a lot of detail on why wood on their website and the bikes look wonderful. I am a recumbent rider myself so I haven't bought one of their bikes but I want to someday.
Duncan, I've seen those too. A much bigger operation, and in another country.
Our local craftsman has been at it for several years and hasn't had nearly the publicity.
Wooden bikes are of course not a new thing. There are also lots of them in museums.
Well, you know the one about the wooden car? Wooden wheels, wooden engine, wooden body. It wooden go.
There's a bike with a bamboo frame displayed at the local bike shop where I live in Sebastopol, CA. Perhaps a better strength to weight ratio than wood?
Yes, I've seen bamboo ones too. They've a few at the museum I posted a link to just above.
The biggest worry I'd have with bamboo is that if broken it has really sharp edges. In a crash these could be dangerous.
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