Tuesday 18 August 2009

More music

Amsterdamize picked up on this song by the band pEp here in the Netherlands. It's got a chorus about how they can "Pedal towards freedom, in the wind and the rain, it feels heavenly good". Nice.

I thought about posting this on here this morning, but was reminded as the last music I put on the blog was on played in the supermarket a few minutes ago evening.

The more important news that Amsterdamize reports on is that there has been a recount of the number of km of cycle path. I've suspected for some time that the official figure of 17000 km was an under-estimate. The new official figure is 29000 km. It's still just an estimate. I've noted before that while Assen claims to have just over 100 km of cycle path, the people who keep them clear of snow and ice in the winter manage to cover over 200 km.

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