Monday 21 October 2013

A study tour in five minutes... Assen to Groningen with Clarence Eckerson Jr.

Journey from Assen to Groningen with David Hembrow from STREETFILMS
The second excellent film from Clarence at Streetfilms following his visit to Assen and Groningen (see also his first film).

Click for more information about some of the subjects of this video:
  1. Assen city centre
  2. Bicycle road in Assen
  3. New development in Kloosterveen
  4. Residential streets
  5. Dutch children cycling
  6. Road works which don't get in the way of cyclists
  7. Car parking
  8. Bus roads
  9. Cyclists see fewer traffic lights and short delays
  10. Unravelling of cycling routes from driving routes
The video gives a reasonable impression of the sort of thing seen on our study tours, but due to lasting somewhat less than 5 minutes rather than the three days of the complete tour, there is of course quite a lot missing. Come on the tour - we've much more to show. We're available throughout the year for private tours for groups and individuals, and there is often an open tour which individuals or small numbers can join. Contact us for more information.


Kevin Love said...

I am saving up my pennies to go on one of David Hembrow's cycle tours.

This will probably be one of the highlights of my life.

Architectonic said...

I'd love to go on a tour too, but I can't justify the money, nor the carbon impact. That's why I like these videos. Not quite as immersive as the real thing, but it still goes a long way.

highwayman said...

As I watched both of Mister Clarence Eckerson Junior's videos, I found myself both reliving my Dutch vacation and mourning my departure from Paradise.

To Andrew K, I encourage you to take David Hembrow's tour. You won't regret it. If need be, get on a ship or boat and sail to the Netherlands. It may take a few weeks, but still, it would remain worth your while and money.

Video is never as good as seeing with your own eyes and absorbing it through all your other senses.

I went on one of David Hembrow's Study Tours, and I had a blast and learned a lot. I only wish I could go back.

I want to return to a country --nay! a huge part of a Continent!-- where bicycling is considered normal & civilized; NOT weird, nerdy, or to be generally ridiculed. In short, to live in a place where I do not have to justify riding at all. I can just ride.

Very few places in the United States approach this level of acceptance that I've seen in Europe --especially the Netherlands. Maybe the Twin Cities Region of Minneapolis-St. Paul (Minnesota) will catch up... one of these years (though bike-lanes are being built quite rapidly there). Maybe even my home-county of Bergen (New Jersey) will get in on the act. I can only dream.