Here, you'll find that people are generally quite happy to leave their bikes secured just by the inbuilt lock which prevents the rear wheel from turning. They will leave what they've bought from one shop on their bike while they visit another, that removable lights / panniers / bike computers etc. are left on the bike and don't go missing.
While there are very many cycle racks, there is never enough formal bicycle parking. What's more, even though the racks are outside virtually every shop, people often want to park their bikes even closer to their destination than the bike racks. As a result, on busy days (which means pretty much every day except Sunday) there tend to be as many bikes parked "wild" as in racks.
There are no cars on any of the streets shown here, so there is plenty of room for bicycles and a relaxed atmosphere for cycling. It wasn't always like this. The city centre was once dominated by motor vehicles. However, changes were made in the late 1970s / early 1980s to exclude cars from the city centre and the result is the vibrant city you see today.
I'm not talking about "wheel benders," but racks which support a greater part of the radius of the wheel and actually work. When they also have a loop through which you can put a cable then the frame can be secured as well. Not that many people bother here.
Finally a view of a different kind of bicycle parking. There is a beach right on the edge of the city. We're quite a way from the coast, so it is a lake surrounded by trees. I took this photo on a hot day in May this year. The cycle parking stands at the beach were of course overflowing, and many bikes were parked in with the trees instead.
Previously I've shown the cycle parking at Assen railway station as well as in Groningen.
Marc at Amsterdamize also covered cycle parking today. Or click for many more cycle parking examples.
A video showing parking at the beach:
Assen is a great place for a cycling holiday. Bring your swimming gear too. The Netherlands in general is very safe for people too.

I see that in some ways cyclist and motorists are the same. They want to park close to where they are shopping and can't be bothered to walk.
Of course that is one of the advantages I find to bicycling as opposed to driving a car. I can park just about anywhere and closer. Though when I drive I tend to park far away from my destination so I can walk.
It's true. It's important to get close. I find that a lot of people will cycle distances that they might as well walk, in the same way as in another place they might drive distances that they might as well cycle or walk. I think it's innate human laziness (in thought as well as action) that we do this, and that's yet another reason why cycling has to be made more pleasant and more efficient than driving if we want people to switch modes.
It is always possible to get closer to shops here by bike than by car, and that makes cycling more convenient, as you can see here.
A long time ago when we used to drive into town in the UK we also used to park our car quite a long way from the centre and walk. However, that was mainly to avoid the cost of parking.
solid post, David, I think we can put the parking saga to rest now for a while ;)
David... Thanks for the pictures and commentary. I've highlighted your post and Marc's just now on Carbon Trace.
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