Monday 15 June 2009

Apeldoorn cycle parking

A new video from the fietsberaad shows a cycle park in Apeldoorn called De Serre ("the conservatory") which was designed as a transparent building so that its use was obvious from the outside as well as the inside. It is located in a shopping area near to a large department store.

With space for 600 bicycles, this is not a particularly big cycle park by Dutch standards, but it is quite novel in design.

This cycle park provides daytime guarded parking, with a receipt in order to retrieve your bike (as shown previously in Nijmegen). This makes it very secure. It also has double layer cycle parking by means of a special lift called the velovator, but while this makes lifting bikes easy, it is obvious that most people avoid the extra work if they can:

The cycle park also has a social purpose of helping re-integration into the workplace.

This cycle park has been popular enough that Apeldoorn is now planning a second with a similar design. The new "glass palace" will have 2000 spaces and be located next to the railway station.

There are many more cycle parking examples.


l' homme au velo said...

Great Idea,you are well catered for in the Netherlands. We are in the Stone age over here,it is very hard to get any Bike Parking at all . They Grudgingly will stick in 8 Bike Parking Stands/ Racks at most supermarkets in Ireland and usually they are of the Wheelbending Variety and not Sheffild Stands.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog.....wish I lived there.
The UK does seem to be obsessed with the car. No wonder we have a yob culture and an obesity problem.
Tried to view the vid on your latest blog, but the vid seems to have disappeared.