First the cycle path shown in the photo on the left. I met this temporary "Fietsers Oversteken" (Cyclists - cross the road) sign part way back from Groningen a few days ago. This is an oldish 2.5 m wide rural bike path which is normally single direction. There's another on the other side of the road for people travelling in the same direction as we are in this photo. You can see that at this point it's being dug up in order to improve the surface.
You'll note that in the modern style, the cycle path goes through the side road uninterrupted. There are also give-way triangles for motorists. There can be no doubt here about who has priority at this junction.
I also made a video of crossing the road here.
However, when you ride past this sign you find that you're not expected to ride with the buses. Buses and cyclists are generally kept apart here, and the buses have been banished to the main traffic lanes so that cyclists get the bus-lane entire for themselves. You can see it on video.
It's important to make sure that cyclists don't get put off cycling when there are road works. These efforts to preserve conditions for cyclists, even while the works are intended to improve conditions for cyclists long term, are important.
When resurfacing work like this is carried out, there is co-ordination between the local government and the water, electricity, gas and telecoms people, so that they can replace wires, pipes etc. under the path as it is being resurfaced. This prevents a brand new path from being dug up again immediately.
I've previously written about the effect of road works on cyclists, giving different examples.

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