This video shows ten of the bus stop bypasses for bikes in Assen. They're not especially good "cherry picked" examples but simply the ten nearest my home. Most are alongside normal roads, one is alongside a bus road. All are within a couple of km and they were videoed in half an hour early last Friday morning. They're entirely typical of normal cycling infrastructure quality in this area. Note that these are all designed to be convenient for cyclists to use. They do not narrow or have raised sections to slow cyclists because cyclists are already slow compared with motor vehicles and we need to encourage efficient cycling not to slow cyclists down.
Don't combine buses and bikes
Dutch bus-stop with no obvious bypass. Bicycles don't travel on this road at all but are behind the noise barrier. Watch this video to see how it works. |
Where bus and bicycle infrastructure is combined on a long road it often leads to leapfrogging as buses repeatedly overtake bikes and cyclists are given a choice either to wait behind the bus, wasting time and making cycling less attractive, or overtaking the bus while it is stopped, which can be dangerous for the cyclist.
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Decades old and unimproved, the least good example of a bicycle bypass in Assen still has a place for passengers to stand before crossing the cycle-path. New-build doesn't look like this. |
Bus passengers also clash with cyclists. If a cyclist tries to pass the bus on the "wrong" side between the stop and the bus then this puts cyclists directly into conflict with those who are boarding or alighting the bus. This is avoided in the Netherlands as shown in the video above, though you'll note that in the oldest example, pre-dating modern practice, cyclists are routed on the wrong side of the bus shelter which could cause conflict. No modern bus stop would be designed like this, with conflict built in, but note that even in this example there is somewhere to stand after leaving the bus and before crossing the cycle-path.
Why doesn't Britain copy the best examples ?
After making the video above and while writing this piece I discovered that new bus stops claiming to deal with the problem that the Dutch were had already tackled more than 30 years ago were being introduced in London. Unfortunately, instead of copying from the best tried and tested examples, attempts have been made to design something new. Time will tell whether these are good examples, but there would seem to be reasons to expect them not to be as successful as normal Dutch practice:
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New design for London. This will cause clash between cyclists and bus passengers. Why didn't they copy from best practice in NL ? |
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Bus passengers clashing with cyclists in Royal College St (Thanks to @AlternativeDfT) |

Even the oldest example shown in my video from Assen is 2.3 m in width. That's on a relatively quiet residential access road and it is just one small weak link in a very dense grid of high quality cycling facilities within a small city. It deals with far fewer cyclists than could be the case in a larger city with fewer facilities.
(a few days later, The Alternative Department for Transport blog included an interesting blog post about how this bus-stop has worked out in practice)
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Another compromised design for London. Sharp bends on the cycle-path which is not wide enough. Opened several months after this blog post was written and immediately caused problems due to bad design. Why doesn't London copy best practice from the Netherlands ? |
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Dutch example from 1981. Not angular and you could expect the cycle-path to be of usable width. |
It can be difficult to pass other cyclists safely within just two metres and if the route is well used this will be a problem. Given that "superhighways" in London are few and far between and that even with the low cycling modal share of London there is a huge population to draw cyclists from, this route probably will be well used.
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The real bus stop bypass in London under construction. "barely 1 m wide" (Thanks to @AsEasyAsRiding) |
The idea of a bypass is to make cycling convenient. It should not cause cyclists to slow down or place them in danger. It should not cause conflict between cyclists and bus passengers. It should also not cause frustrated cyclists to use the road in order to bypass the bypass.
(Hackney Cyclist wrote a very good blog post giving more details of the HS2 route extension)
"40 years behind" is a choice
London is "40 years behind" by choice not by accident. Even now, after supposedly having "gone Dutch", the city is still designing and building inferior infrastructure as seen in the two examples above.
This simply isn't good enough.
Why is London still not learning from the best examples ? Why is the city still trying to find its own novel ways to solve problems which were identified decades ago in the Netherlands and the solutions to which have since been refined to a very high standard ?
Instead of continuing to make costly mistakes, why not send planners to find out what proper cycling infrastructure looks like ?
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Thanks to @EdinburghTom |
An amusing blog post from The People's Cycling Front of South Gloucestershire reminded me of another idea for passing buses which has appeared in Scotland recently. The rightly much criticized "Nice Way Code" suggests that cyclists should never pass buses on the left and on the right only "if you must".
Sadly, the "Nice Way Code" campaign has consumed a considerable fraction of the not very generous funding for cycling in Scotland. Instead of making it easy for bikes to pass buses safely and without conflict, they're using cycling money to tell cyclists not to pass buses.
This is just one of the many errors made by the "Nice Way Code", an organisation which sadly is backed by both CTC and Sustrans amongst other organisations who really should have known better.
Campaigners need to campaign effectively.
There is also excitement this morning about the British government having announced the "largest ever investment in cycling". This is apparently a figure of 77 million pounds to be spread amongst eight cities "in an effort to put Britain on a level footing with countries [...] such as [...] the Netherlands".
Unfortunately, this sum of money isn't nearly enough to achieve that aim. The Netherlands spends roughly €30 per person per year, every year in order to improve the cycling infrastructure and continue to expand the network. The total funding available over the next two years is about £148 million and this will allow investment in just eight cities to be at around £10 per head for just two years. This low figure of £10 per head is the figure which CTC actually asked for a few months ago and it's also the figure which will be debated in parliament on the 2nd of September.
Why is there so much complacency amongst campaigners ? Why such low ambitions ? Why do they offer support for inadequate policies and why do they not fight for what is really needed ? When you are already decades behind you cannot catch up by doing a third as much so why are campaigners putting their names to calls to do so little that the UK will inevitably remain in "dark ages" so far as cycling is concerned ? Low aspirations will not result in mass cycling and campaigners working with such aspirations are very much part of the reason why the UK is behind.
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"Armadillos" in Assen. These have sometimes featured on the study tour as an example of what not to do. They get bumped by passing vehicles. |
The "armadillos" in Royal College Street are a failure. If we had been consulted we could have told TfL in advance that this would happen. It's not something you find often in the Netherlands because it doesn't really work. There are just a few old examples like that shown in the photo on the right. When copying from the Netherlands it's important to look for good examples.
The "Armadillos" shaken loose over the last few months by large vehicles which have been accessing a site on this road have been re-fitted and broken examples replaced. Much tidier now.
You'll see from the photo that the cycle-path is generous enough that it doesn't feel cramped and also that cars pass at a reasonable distance. Nevertheless, this is outdated infrastructure. We were originally told there would be a proper cycle-path in this location by 2009.
Each Assen concrete block "Armadillo" is 1 metre long, 25 cm wide and 12 cm tall. When some were loose, I tried picking one up. It was heavier than I thought I could lift without damaging my back. These are not the insubstantial plastic used elsewhere. Nevertheless, this is not adequate.
Also see Hackney Cyclist for more and The Alternative Department for Transport for more about Royal College Street. This post was updated to include the words "floating bus stop" because this newly invented term has become commonly used to refer to bus stop bypasses.

I have not ridden CS2X yet, but the photos make the cycle track look very narrow, despite there being so much space available. All makes me a very frustrated engineer!
I think you left out a "not" in the caption of your first photo. Not cherry-picked is your standard choice, I believe?
Ranty: There's just no excuse for London to continue to aim so low and I'm sure it is extremely frustrating indeed for people like you who'd like to do a better job. The buck stops with the politicians but they seemingly won't learn.
Koen: Thanks for proof-reading ! It's fixed now.
You should take a look at the newly resurfaced Jan Fabriciusstraat near the recently opened Media Markt store. How they handeled the bus-stop there will proberbly surprise you.
Titus: I'm struggling to find anything at all that I like about that newly opened shopping centre. It's really very poor indeed, an example of several things which should not be done.
I started a blog post a while back about it. It's really quite awful and that needs to be pointed out - hopefully changed.
I know the local Fietsersbond have already complained, and quite rightly so.
If corridor width is a real design constraint then a short section of 2.0m wide lane past the bus shelter *only* is OK and I posit it would possibly be safer than continuing a lane (of at least 2.5m) that allows overtaking of two cyclists riding abreast, especially at bus stops within a CBD where conflicting travel paths between bus passengers and in a location (i.e. a CBD) where bike riders probably have to give way at zebra crossings between the bus stop landing and the footpath.
Just on minimum bike lane widths, with the increase in cargo bikes and the slightly extra width these require, then where these bikes tend to be in numbers (the CBD again) all the bike lanes should be designed to be at least a little bit wider than the minimums stated in the CROW manual.
Trick of the eye: on the CS2 bus bypass graphic I always see a twin-celled open pit just ahead of the bike rider, rather than the single arrow. Is it just me?
Lastly, thanks for another great post David, covering both tactical on-road details as well as strategic objectives including the big one: proper amounts of funding.
This is something I had thought of when the separated bike lane on Dunsmuir street here in Vancouver went in. When waiting for the bus, you have to cross the bike lane to get to it.
I found this picture of it:
It works for the most part but I've seen a few minor conflicts and startled people walking across to the bus as someone cycled by.
It was initially a trial but now that it's been made permanent, it's time to add a curve to the path and move the bus shelter. (And tree too I guess.)
In Birmingham (UK), the third option has been implemented outside the recently completed Queen Elizabeth hospital. This was built on derelict land, so the designers had an empty canvas. Space was found for two lanes of traffic in addition to the bus bays, a large central island, and even a verge behind the bus stops, but the designer elected to take the cycle lane right through the bus shelters. Note that this is a PFI (private) project, so politicians cannot be blamed for it.
What a great article again! I'm here in Brazil in Vitória and we are trying to get our cycle lanes and if possible with improved quality.
It is very interesting to have this kind of detailed reports on your blog! We can share it here with our cycle lane planners.
Here we already have a cycle lane which does not necessarily make cyclists interact with bus stop. In few (new) cycle path, cycle lane design near bus stop looks very similar to good examples you showed but the bus stop is so crowded that spaces is missed for pedestrian and they tend to walk on the cycle path at rush hour!
We recently discussed exactly this problem with our planners on a new project of a cycle lane. I really should film that kind of negative interactions and analyze it in order to show good points and problems to our planners in order to make it clearer for them!
We have so many other cycling related problems here that we sometimes left behind this kind of problems as if they were details but in fact, even if our existing cycle infrastructures are scarce and yet often badly designed, is does not mean that we have to admit also new infrastructures with problems! One the problems that remains here is ramp inclination. Small ramp can be as steep as 20° for small ramp by law which is quite inconvenient.
We recently measured new cycle lane in construction we found that it was 21°...
Mostly irrelvant video for most British cities where there is nowhere near as much space as in the sub urban dutch examples. You should think about real contraints before posting.
Benny, you've missed the point. These examples are what we have. Obvious "bypasses" don't exist.
The small inner city streets where someone might have tried to build such a thing were cleared of cars and buses long ago, and that's what Britain should have done as well.
Dutch cities and Dutch suburbs have exactly the same constraints regarding space as do their British counterparts.
Do you think those armadillos, the plastic ones, if they were modified to something like concrete to be more durable and embedded into the asphalt, would be worth anything as a cycle lane? Cycle lanes are generally not desirable, I know that, but maybe as a bit of an aid to a 1.9 metre wide cycle lane and a 2.9 metre wide car lane and the same for the other side? As long as it is understood as a cycle lane, not a cycle path or as all that much protection and that it is not ideal.
Restlesstablet: No. The concrete lumps shown at the bottom of the post above are concrete and they go flying when a truck hits them. Cyclists need to be separated from motor vehicles, not have flimsy posts, concrete lumps, fences or whatever. In the example shown, the motoring lanes are 2.9 m wide and the cycle-lane is 2.2 m wide but this is still not really good enough. It has survived so long in this specific location only because the problems caused are relatively minor here. i.e. it's another example of this. Don't copy from less than ideal examples.
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