Friday 21 November 2008

Cycling for everyone

The presentation here was made by John Pucher, Professor of Planning and Public Policy, in Vancouver.

It is well worth watching.

John is one of very few English speaking cycling experts who has really understood what is involved in achieving a mass cycling culture.

He and Ralph Buehler also wrote the invaluable article How cycling was made "Irresistable" in the Netherlands, Denmark & Germany.

I previously posted about how everyone cycles.


  1. He is absolutely right in what he says. I know he is right but he has to put it across to the Americans and Canadians and of course Different Governments who have probably heard this before but just ignore it. Our Government is supposed to be improving the Infrastructure for us but our Cycle Lanes are narrow and need to be Widened. They just play around with it by giving us a Pathetic Half Hearted effort,we move at a snails Pace here in Ireland.

  2. A very animated fellow isn't he?

    Some of his presentation style is a little off-putting but what he says makes a lot of sense (except I think he should not have pulled the punch on mandatory helmet laws damaging cycling rates).

    P.S. this is about 78 mins long

  3. It is a trifle boring,I got sick listening to it after awhile and did not continue to the End. But it is the sort of thing that should be Drummed into Politico's until they start improving things for us.


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