Wednesday 12 October 2011

Autumn leaves

It's that time of year again. Autumn. Therefore time for a blog post about how leaves are cleared from the cycle-paths. This time I just happened to come across one of the maintenance vehicles on the cycle-path.

They do a pretty good job. I've still not slipped on leaves since we moved over here.

This also doubled as my "cycle video day" video.


  1. just like a downscaled street-sweeper! that is great! i think they could do with some of those around here now that we are getting more separated cycle infrastructure.... the problem with it usually is the sand that ends up on the path after heavy rain.

  2. Just like the one photographed by Thomas Schlijper in Amsterdam which demonstrates how it fits between bollards. Just wondering about the L-signs on the back panel though.

  3. It's exactly the same as the ones they use here for pavements, footpaths etc.


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